ACL Surgery PDF
By:Bernard R. Bach
Published on 2010 by SLACK Incorporated
As ACL injuries continue to increase, so does the need for a book that provides the optimal initial treatment of the ACL injury, while also recognizing the common pitfalls in the diagnosis and management of the patient. ACL Surgery: How to Get it Right the First Time and What to Do if it Fails offers valuable technical pearls on how to perform ACL surgery with reliable and tested results, as well as an efficient way to review the surgical treatment of the torn ACL. Dr. Bernard R. Bach, Jr. and Dr. Matthew T. Provencher present a user-friendly and clinically relevant book that covers both primary and revision ACL surgery. Covered inside is essential information on how to approach the patient with a failed primary and revision ACL surgery, examination and radiographic workup, and revision ACL construction. Over 55 contributors describe each procedural step in a logical and precise manner, while combining clinical and technical pearls. Some Highlights Include: * Numerous illustrations and pictures of how to perform ACL graft harvest * Allograft preparation * Single and double-bundle reconstruction constructs * Important examination findings and identifying factors to look for * Identifying injuries that should not be missed * How to work up a failed ACL surgery--patient history, examination, and radiographic findings are highlighted * Revision ACL reconstruction approach and tips to perform reliable revision surgery * Identifying pathology in primary and revision ACL surgery to maximize success ACL Surgery serves as a blueprint of how to provide an effective and reliable primary ACL reconstruction with an emphasis on addressing associated conditions. Topics Discussed Include: * Patient selection * Indications and preoperative workup * Principles of evaluating and treating the failed ACL reconstruction * Meniscus transplantation * Management of chondral injuries with the failed ACL * ACL revision graft choices * Revision ACL tunnel and bone management * Management of a failed ACL surgery--including combined tibial osteotomy, meniscus transplantation, and cartilage restorative procedures With its user-friendly format of tips, techniques, and pearls & pitfalls throughout the chapters, sports medicine orthopedists, general orthopedic surgeons, fellows, and attendings will often refer to ACL Surgery: How to Get it Right the First Time and What to Do if it Fails. This clinically relevant book of primary and revisionary ACL surgery is sure to provide the most up-to-date surgical recommendations and techniques for your surgical textbook library.
This Book was ranked at 35 by Google Books for keyword Surgery.
Book ID of ACL Surgery's Books is yvS9x20HUp0C, Book which was written byBernard R. Bachhave ETAG "WHBLE0nIBhU"
Book which was published by SLACK Incorporated since 2010 have ISBNs, ISBN 13 Code is 9781556428951 and ISBN 10 Code is 1556428952
Reading Mode in Text Status is false and Reading Mode in Image Status is true
Book which have "390 Pages" is Printed at BOOK under CategoryMedical
Book was written in en
eBook Version Availability Status at PDF is true and in ePub is false
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